540-658-5279 [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions 

If your question is not on the list below please email it to [email protected]

Do you accept washer/dryers for disposal?

Yes, if only these are being dropped off (by residents) then it will be free. If a business is dropping it off then it will be $15 per appliance.

Can an out-of-county person use the landfill?

No, we do not accept any material from outside of our jurisdiction (Stafford County or City of Fredericksburg). If you are not a business and assisting a relative drop off their trash then in this case you can use the landfill. If said resident is unable to come with you to prove the material is coming from within our jurisdiction then please bring a utility bill, property tax, or other official document showing the resident’s name and address.

Can I use a U-Haul moving truck/van to bring in trash?

Yes, but it will be a $20 fee.

Why am I being asked for my registration or ID at the landfill?

We only accept trash from within Stafford County or the City of Fredericksburg, so we check vehicle registration or ID to confirm residency. We also have separate fees for residential and commercial customers. To ensure that commercial customers are being processed as such we check these documents.

Can a small business owner purchase an annual pass/use the residential side?

No, they cannot. You will be directed to the commercial side. If the commercial side is closed then staff may charge a $20 fee or ask you to come back when the commercial side is open.

I am a contractor with residential refuse to dispose. Can I purchase an annual pass or coupon book to dispose of the refuse?

No, the residential waste is not coming from your own home. You will have to pay the commercial rate at the scales.

The trash I am bringing to the landfill is from my residential rental property. Why can’t I buy a coupon book or annual pass to dispose of these items?

While the material is residential in nature, you qualify as a commercial entity because the waste is not coming from your own home. You will have to pay the commercial rate at the scales.

What can I do with yard waste over 12 inches in diameter or 8 feet in length?

We do not accept yard waste outside of these specifications. The material will have to be cut down somehow or taken to a business that offers that service.

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