We offer single-stream recycling opportunities at a number of drop-off locations throughout the area.
Single-stream recycling means that it is not necessary to separate certain recyclables. Don’t tangle or contaminate. Recycle Right by referring to our accepted in single-stream recycling list. The Recycle Right guide can be printed or downloaded to your device.
Accepted in Single-Stream Recycling
Plastic #1 and #2 only
- Bottles, tubs, jugs, and jars
- No pumps
- Empty, rinse and reattach caps

- All cans
- Empty and rinse

- Bottles and jars
- Empty, rinse, and remove lids

- Paper, cartons and cardboard
- Flatten cardboard
- Paper food and beverage cartons (soup and juice boxes, milk and juice cartons)

Not Accepted in Single-Stream Recycling

Aerosol cans
All batteries (car, lithium, etc.)
Ceramic items
Clothing or textiles
Disposable cups (plastic and paper)
Electronics (No TVs or CRT monitors)
Food contaminated items
Hazardous waste
Household glass
Medical waste
Plastic bags/wrap
Scrap metal/wood
Shredded paper
Styrofoam peanuts
Tanglers (cords, hoses, wires, etc.)
Yard or Organic Waste
Other Recycling Opportunities
In addition to single-stream recycling, we accept these items for recycling at the Belman Road Convenience Center:
- Rechargeable batteries
- Automotive and equipment batteries
- Motor oil (limit 5 gallons per resident per day)
- Transmission fluid (limit 5 gallons per resident per day)
- Antifreeze (limit 5 gallons per resident per day)
- Cooking oil
- Appliances
- Scrap metal
- Small engines (lawnmowers, weed whackers, etc.)
- Electronic waste (No TVs or CRT monitors)
- Plastic bags
- Clothing and shoes
In addition to single-stream recycling, we accept these items for recycling at the Regional Landfill:
- Rechargeable batteries
- Automotive and equipment batteries
- Bicycles (Regional Landfill only)
- Motor oil, transmission fluid, and antifreeze (limit 5 gallons of each per resident per day)
- These areas are locked to prevent unauthorized materials from being disposed of. If you want to keep your containers, please see the gate attendant so they can assist you.
- Fluorescent light bulbs (Regional Landfill only, no bulbs longer than 4′)
- Cooking oil
- Appliances
- Scrap metal
- Small engines (lawnmowers, weed whackers, etc.)
- Electronic waste (No TVs or CRT monitors)
- Plastic bags
- Clothing and shoes