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Backyard Composting 101

Backyard Composting 101

The R-Board offers backyard composting classes for homeowners. The classes will teach you how to compost your food scraps and yard waste, which compost bin might be right for your needs, and how to maximize your compost process. Composting 101 classes are open to everyone, but only residents of Stafford County and Fredericksburg City will be able to purchase a composting bin from the R-Board.

Get your Earth Machine compost bin by attending one of our Backyard Composting classes!  Bins are $35 and only available to class participants who are Stafford or Fredericksburg residents. Bins are limited to one per person. Please pay cash or make your check out to Stafford County Treasurer.

Composters: The R-Board asks you to help us gather data and track how much organic material you are composting. Please weigh or estimate the weight of your kitchen scraps weekly or monthly and report them to the R-Board. The data will be used in recycling reports to the VADEQ and to help acquire grants to keep this program going.


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